Orange Food2Kids

Feeding school children who may experience food insecurity in Orange, Connecticut.


Orange Food2Kids is a volunteer-based charitable initiative working to fulfill its mission to feed school children who have little or no food resources when away from school. We purchase, pack and delivery bags of kid-friendly meals and snacks to families in need.

For some children, school isn’t just a place of learning—it’s also their only reliable source of food. Food insecurity can impact a child’s ability to learn and even diminish their ability to make friends and nourish positive relationships. The lack of proper nutrition can also negatively impact a child’s physical, social, and emotional health.

COVID-19 Update

When we started Orange Food2Kids, our mission was focused on helping school children experiencing food insecurity on the weekends. With schools closed during the quarantine, we realized children dependent on school-provided breakfast or lunch might have an unmanageable shortage of food in their household. 

To combat this issue, we are now providing food for the entire week—delivering over 100 bags per week—and will continue to do that until school resumes. Many families are facing financial uncertainty during this time, we are so grateful  to our donors for their generosity and commitment to making sure kids are fed. 

Interested in supporting Orange Food2Kids?

We rely on generous donations to fulfill our mission.